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Cedar Grove School Counseling

  • Provide the MCPS Comprehensive School Counseling Program to all students bi-weekly

  • Provide information to students and families about academic programs and opportunities

  • Inform families about community resources

  • Support students in their transition from one school level to another

  • Communicate with students, staff, parents, and community members about available school counseling service

  • Address problems that affect student success in the school setting

  • Support the school when there is a crisis in the school community

  • Consult with staff and parents

Mrs. Spoales works with students, families, staff and community in the following ways:

Individual Counseling

One-on-one counseling support is available to all students.  This support is intended to address specific emotional, behavioral, or social concerns.  Students may self-refer or be referred to the counselor by teachers and/or parents.  Indvidual counseling is not therapy. 

Small Group Counseling

During student lunches, I meet with groups of 3-5 students at a time. I work with students on improving social skills, using healthy conflict management techniques, coping with anxiety, and dealing with life/family changes. Groups last from 6 to 8 weeks and students can be referred by parents and teachers.  Parent permission forms must be completed for participation.


Part of my role as a school counselor is to consult or problem solve with parents and staff members via phone 301-253-7000, email (, or in-person. I regularly attend meetings with teachers and parents about a students academic, behavioral, emotional and/or social growth.  

504 Plans

I am the case manager for 504 Plans at Cedar Grove. 504 Plans help students with substantial limitations perform at the same level as their peers. 

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